Sent my hubby on his way this morning he's on a bush exercise for a week hopefully it will be less than that so he drove to his destination instead of going with the convoy...
So it's just me and the kids so were just hanging out today around the house the kids are watching a dvd, my eldest is working on his cars putting new tyres on his car with his friends...
I'm waiting for it to cool down then we are all going to go out in the backyard clean the space where his car was and pull those dreaded weeds, hopefully if were all doing it together it will go quicker....
Took some photos of our day at the Croc park yesterday this time we did the tour so we got to feed the crocs well I did and the boys got to hold the crocs so it was a fun day out... I feed this massive one and you are supposed to tease it a couple of times before he gets to eat his little old chicken head, but my monster took it's dinner the first time so I had to wrestle with him to get the feeding stick back, my gosh thankgosh the fence was high as he just pulled me into it, I am so not doing that again I had splinters in my hand holding onto the pole lol...
Well I really need to scrap this weekend so a short post today....
Enjoy your weekend everyone...
It's my son Daunte's birthday today so we celebrated it yesterday as hubby was home so we had a great day out...

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