This week has just flown by I have kids home on school holidays for two weeks one of my sons has just started a casual job so has to get up at 3am to get to work by 7....
So proud that he does this and goes to college after his shifts finish not bad for a nearly 17 year old....
Ive been grocery shopping with my Bella and my youngest son Drew this morning so it was nice to come back home and just sit in the garden watching my kids play in the sunshine....
Bella chasing her chick Helena trying to put it in her lamb basket just made me smile, but what made me laugh was our black chick following her everywhere....
This week I have been working on my smashbook again, and I am in th early stages of transforming an A4 binder folder into an album, it was a nasty orange colour but I have covered the cover and back in the remainders of my potato sack, painted it black and that is as far as I have got...
Other than that just ordered in some of Pink Paislee's hope chest papers and bits and pieces so cant wait for those to arrive..
I hope you all had a great easter it was fine one moment and then drizzly the next for us but we just had family time together and enjoying the break....
Well should fly now the boys are moving rooms so its chaotic right now....
Thanks to Julia for making our blog hop happen each week.
Other than that just ordered in some of Pink Paislee's hope chest papers and bits and pieces so cant wait for those to arrive..
I hope you all had a great easter it was fine one moment and then drizzly the next for us but we just had family time together and enjoying the break....
Well should fly now the boys are moving rooms so its chaotic right now....
Thanks to Julia for making our blog hop happen each week.
The start of my altered a4 folder |
Smash book page |

Your smash book is looking brilliant ! Love what you have been creating ! Ali #20
loving your smash book and thanks for sharing the cute pics of the kiddies..Happy WOYWW...hugs kath (23) xxx
Yes I have to agree your smash book is GREAT!!! Love seeing the photos and what great memories. Happy WOYWW.
Janene #13
great book, and loved the photos. Helen, 4
The smash book page is brill! Got quite jealous when I read you'd been sitting in sunshine!! Well done to your son on getting up that early and going to college..quite an acheivement at any age let alone a 17 year old. Happy WOYWW. Pam#14
Some busy looking stuff there and life sounds idyllic with the children and the farmyard animals, it was like reading a book. Just a bit worried about your "sin" . Check your first para LOL.
Neet 6 xx
your book cover is looking amazing and I love your pages the colours bring them to life.
Enjoy your time with the kids at home remember to try and find some me time
Enjoy your WOYWW sunny day today
Ria #33
Ohmy word you're a Smash genius! I love your pages. And those photos of your babies with the chicken - their little delighted faces - so sweet!
Great projects here, and I agree with you about your son, that is so cool. It is wonderful that you & your Hubby have obviously filled him with such a good life ethic, well done. You are rightly proud of him, and should be proud of yourselves too, for the influences you've given him. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #52 xx
Love your smash pages! Lol the chicken pics are super funny happy woyww!
I wish i had chickens now! Im in house limbo this week until the builder makes there final offer...the thought of packing up my studio again makes me wanna barf!
so glad to you posting again
Smash book page is great! Happy Wednesday. :) SueC#94
Great smash pages and the photos are so cute!
Lauren x #127
Good smash pages. I've been thinking of doing a smash book but haven't got round to it yet. Happy woyww Jill #28
Interesting to see the smash book as I see so much about them but don't know much about them. Yours looks awesome. Love the pics of your kids with their chicks. How fortunate you are. Cathryn #128
Hi Maria
what a busy week you are having. I sssoo wish my 17yr old son would get a part time job and good on your son. great smash book start and art.
Annette In Oz #74
Excellent to see this workdesk an so nice to meet you !Have a good and creative weekend!
I came also with an invitation for you to take part on: ART-JOURNAL-JOURNEY MOO-MANIA-CHALLENGE
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