Oh my gosh I have had such a good weekend scrapping, over at Mystical they had their Mid month marathon so that had me scrapping up 6 different challenges, and yes it all got done.
Found out I won a challenge over at Scrap with V on Tuesday of last week as well so that made my day so cool I got a $25 Voucher to spend over there.....
Now I have started the new top designer challenge over at Mystical, and finally completed it, the criteria for it was:
1. No Cardstock
2. Journalling
3. Bling shapes
So I decided to do it on my preggy bump from Drew, this is what it came out liking like..
This week has started out okay I guess got the flu on Sunday so have been battling that for the last couple of days so kind of feel like crap, but life goes on and you have no choice but to battle thru it all guns blazing....
Starting my next challenge for Gladiator going camo so that should be fun, have it all planned out just have to hunt down my photo of hubby in his cam's for it and it's AWOL....
So hopefully I can find it soon otherwise I will have to get another one printed when I go out shopping.
Right keeping this post short as I want to get dinner prepared and cooking ....

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