Well Monday again and so so much to do, packed up all the stuff on my scrapping table the other day and oh my gosh it looks so bare, I have a basket with stuff that I'm working on till we leave and a couple of kits packed in my bag to take with me to the Gold Coast so I can scrap well if I have the time....
My husband was amazed that I had got it all cleared up, he's been on at me to do it for the last couple of weeks but I was trying to get stash that I wanted to take with me put away first...
Had car troubles yesterday yip the airconditioning didn't turn on in the car, so hubby went into get it looked at this morning and there was a hole so all the gas has been escaping, so now his baby is getting serviced... So it's already for that long long drive to the Gold Coast on Thursday morning... He's taking the fish with him as he dosen't want to let them go...
This weekend haven't done too much made an ornament for a swap item, did a couple of pages for my December daily and I still have too many to go, not sure if I will get them all done in time before we move....

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