I'm waiting for the Glazier to get here, yesterday afternoon our laundry glass door just shattered into a thousand pieces for no apparent reason so that is kind of scary so he should be here any minute now....
Can you believe in a couple of days we'll be welcoming in the new year, I hope next year is a better one for me, I know I'm personally going to change a few things in my life and actually get motivated to become social again,sometimes I wonder where the hell I went...
So I'm bringing myself back to life new hairstyle tomorrow I pray it dosen't go horribly wrong, and then I'm just going to work on myself for a change...
So a list of things that I want to accomplish
- Change me I seriously need a makeover and to get fit, maybe I'll even learn to jog without looking like a complete dork... So treadmill be prepared to be used....
- Journalling: gotta get those thoughts down on paper so I don't go insane especially if hubby is away alot this year.....
- Start a new art journal my DT girlfriend Ann gave me a pack of Heidi Swapp cards for xmas yesterday so I'm planning on using those for it...... Hello these were on my wishlist for like the last year.....
- Actually go to an actual crop and scrap with my friends.....
- Make a scrappers journal with layout planners, wish lists, shopping lists etc have a ring binder album all ready to go just have to find the right papers to go with it......
- Scrap more OTP's this year
- Become involved with my community like a service club etc, I so need to get myself a life....

Hi my friend I can't wait to see your new hair style so don't forget to send me a photo xxx
wow that list is long enough, I reckon -- weird about the door, huh?
I love the idea of a list.. Will I be seeing this come to life as a challenge at AD???
Can't wait to see the new hairstyle
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