Well last night I took some photos of Alicia hopefully one of these will feature in my Let's get shabby challenge just got to pick one and it's so hard to choose one photo, so if you were me which one would you choose, and yes the monster Drew had to be in one as soon as he saw me with the camera he went into smile mode.....
Hubby had an early start this morning my chance for a sleep in went out the window as of course he had to bring me in my morning coffee at 5.30 am so couldn't fall back asleep so I have started reading A Respectable Trade by Philippa Gregory which seems really interesting here is a review on her book.
"Once again Philippa Gregory brings her unique combination of a vivid sense of history and inimitable storytelling skills to illuminate a complex period of our past.
Powerful, haunting, intensely disturbing, this is a novel of desire and shame, of individuals, of a society, and f a whole continent devastated by the greed of others."
Well some pretty things to feast your eyes on start here at The Vintage Garden, how about this hanging in your lounge room and this beautiful little table I think I could find a place for that in my bedroom.
And this store has it all just antique goodness all around I love this sign that is in the Victorian Parlor http://www.bakergeneralstore.com/Welcome.html
This is my Art Money challenge for Project 52 I've transferred my image onto material and used masking tape, strips of paper, fabric and then added packing tap transfers over it as well.... I have to say this one had me stumped until today and then realized that it was due so lucky for me it finally came together in the end...

Oh Maria all of your photos are beautiful!! and so are your babies!:)
Soo difficult to chose just one! Maybe after you choose your quote??? Mite be easier to pic one to suit???
I really love the pics of Alicia lying down with her toes pointed up and smiling... and the first one with the two of them...but depends on your quote.. lol!
Beautiful inspiration too!
Love Lou xx
That sign is just tooo wonderful! made me laugh out loud!
Lou xx
maria, these photos are just GORGEOUS!!! you have one stunning little lady there!!!!!
Maria all of the photos are gorgeous! I can understand how it is hard to pick just one of them!I love your layout. It is just stunning.
I would pick photo number 8... with her hair in front of her face... mysterious and "Alice like" I'm curious to see which one you will work with! LOVE your art journal page, that's amazing!!! Hope you had a lovely weekend (I guess it's almost over at your place) and wish you a nice week!
Well done on your transfer Image with Fabric !!
looks beaudiful !! :)
so glad someone is trying this technique again :)
Brigitte G.
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