Just received an email from two of my swap partners one from Lou saying she had received her tussie mussie swap and one from Debi saying she had received my Secret garden swap so I'm so pleased they both got there safely... I can show and tell my photos of what I made for Debi now as she has opened it, will do another post when Lou open's her's....
Now I know Debi loves Marie so had to do her a little matchbox to hold some goodies in, I really delight in making these, something so little can turn out to look so pretty .
Now just got one more swap to be received and I'm all good it should be arriving any day now to Sarah my little petite box that I have made instead of the basket that went horribly wrong....
Other than that I have just ordered the new SHE kit from Creatologie by Carol Wingert so I am so looking forward to making this gorgeous binder I so can't wait for this to arrive in the mail. http://carolwingert.typepad.com/creatologie/2010/04/she.html
Another thing that I am going to do is buy this class from Mary at Green Paper it's a Vintage glue book class that will have you making a gorgeous gluebook from start to finish, a gorgeous collage project I so can't wait as I haven't done one of these before so I should start hunting for that perfect book for it. http://greenpaper.typepad.com/green/2010/04/announcing-your-vintage-gluebook-class.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+greenpaperpackages+%28Green+Paper%29
Thought I would just add to this post instead of doing a new one ever since I got my little cuff from Debi I've really been wanting to give it a try and make one, I can't sew to save my life so don't look to close lol, it never was my favourite subject at school that and art so it's a wonder I do anything creative.....
For mine I have used a cut up doily and a tea dyed broderie anglaise material, I've done my one one sided I tend to wack things and break them probably the reason why I don't wear watches so mine is enclosed by the pink button...
And here is my first page in my round robin I just have to do my sign in page and it will be ready to send off to Lou....Speaking of Lou my lovely friend I just gotta a sneak peek at what she is sending me and oh my gosh it's just all so beautiful she is so spoiling me.......
Congratulations to Jan for winning the Let's get shabby challenge her Easter inspired matchbox was just a masterpiece of shabby perfection, and thanks girls for including me in the Honourable mentions that was a nice start to my day......
It's Anzac day long weekend let's not forget our soliders past, present and future who protect and serve our country, to my beloved Officer who serves you make me proud to be your wife.....
PS Just got my confirmation email from Linda who hosts "A Swap for all season's" to say that I'm accepted into the swap so woo hoo these are so addicting......

Such gorgeous swap goodies! The new class looks really interesting. I cant wait to see what you do with the Carol Wingert album. I saw them on her blog and they are gorgeous!
Maria, I just wanted to say thanks again for the beautiful swap gift.
I have the boxes you made standing on my table, right where I can see them everyday. I LOVE them so.
And I can't wait to use all of the beautiful goodies you sent, in my creations.
Hugs, Debi
Love love love your goodies and your beautiful page!!! I am thinking about the Glue book class too... lol! You beat me again... lol!
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