Well school has finally gone back one week seemed like a lifetime, the endless hands out for money, the fridge door opening too many times that even it was starting to complain, and then their was the constant arguing over who was playing which console or watching a particular movie.
I think I overdosed on watching countless runs of Thomas and Hi5 with the little one's, while the other's were having their Wiii battles in the bedroom's, how come they can't be good loser's hmmm wonder if they take that from me.......Yes I'm a gamer girl who hates to lose lol.....
Now loud music I don't mind because half the time it's coming from my ipod and it's hubby saying turn that crap off, and of course all the kids go but it's mom's music lol have to laugh because then hubby goes into kiss ass mode saying sorry....
Onto nice things my favourite friend came to visit yesterday of course it's Ann so my kids went into rowdy mode, Drew calls Ann's hubby Daddy which is so cute probably because my hubby has grey hair (he went grey in his late teens) I've already spotted grey hairs in my 15 year old so it's passed down the line to him let me say he wasn't impressed with those, and wants me to dye his hair black so they can't be seen, their the same height and he often wears his glasses lol, so of course he threw a major tantie when they had to leave and he wasn't going in Daddy's car so cute.......
So I got to show and tell Ann's my swaps there were going out and of course we chatted up a storm while Mick entertained the kids outside the poor guy probably went home exhausted.........
Now they brought my soon to be 2 year old a present and the look on his face when he opened it and saw what it was was just priceless his eyes were as big as saucer's, he had a little help from his brother who said you can have the pillowcase and I will have the blanket....
And of course Max has asked Ann if she will buy him a present too on his birthday, he says it's in September and I would like a remote control car please, hello no flies on that boy lol...Sometimes kids can be so embarrasing.....
After running around for about three hour's, Drew got up on the sofa with his new present he wouldn't let me wash it and fell asleep
Found out on Sunday that my little canvas inspired cat house has won at Project 52 so that was a great start to the week I love being inspired to think outside the square and with project 52 it does just that......
Onto things scrapping wise were about to start our friendship quote albums and I'm still thinking of what album to use I keep going in two different directions either my prima small canvas album or creating an index typed album so hmmmm got to get my bum in gear and start working on the cover and the sign in pages so we can start sending it on it's merry way....
Lou if your reading my post do I get my sneak peek yet lol, I'm dying with curiosity can't wait to see what you have created for me....
Well better get some housework done hubby is working late again tonight with the army so hoping he will get a late start on Thursday so we can shopping for Drew's present hope it fits in the trailer and I hope it's in stock..... Later ladies enjoy your day and ps are you creating....

Congratulations on your win. It is such a gorgeous canvas!
The pictures of Drew are so cute!
Love to catch up on your blog again... great layouts and stories! Hope you have a creative week again, now that the kiddos go back to school... enjoy the "peace" (ehhm, with music I guess)
Love your blog,Keep smiling and creating art!!!
Really lovely canvas, congrats!
btw, there's an award for you in my blog~ ;3
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