I have to say my last partner Lou has become a friend for life so I'm so blessed to have had her as my first swapping partner and can't wait until we finally get away and go go on our girly retreat.
Found this amazing new shop on etsy thru a Mind wide Open and this is what hubby has got me it's part of my mother's day present from the kids, but I really love it even though I'm not much of a jewellery person the artist is really talented and I could buy everything in her store I'm hoping to get a necklace of Anne Boleyn next week when she updates her shop.... Okay shop is called http://www.etsy.com/shop/meluseena
Now when I was buying this one I was umming and ahhing over which necklace to get as I liked this one of The Queen and the Explorer, but I also have these saved on my wish list these prints of Marie and Anne Boleyn aren't they beautiful.......

Now today I haven't got much planned I need to go to the Post office and pick up a package I'm hoping it's my first round robin journal to start on, and then I plan on stalking the postie and doing something creative not sure what but want to do something......
Went to the movies last night to see The Girl with the Dragon tattoo now have to say this movie was good I haven't read the book but now I think I will be getting all three this week as it was such a great movie, fabulous plot it just had you on the edge of your seat the whole entire movie......It is with sub titles but it really didn't make a difference at all, so if you haven't seen it check it out.... I think this one will be one for my DVD shelf when it becomes available......
Now I must go and get the kids out the door for school, I can hear them protesting already.....

Maria, your necklace is lovely!!!!
have a lovely day!!!!
I love the necklace! It is gorgeous!!
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