Well I thought I would have a practise run making one of these noodle boxes before I attempt to work on my box for my swap partner, this one is a mini sized noodle box which will go on my Christmas tree which will then be filled with treats.....
This weekend I'm going to give the bigger size one a go as I want to practise a bit more as they are abit fiddly.....
So today I'm having a me day just going to read, hopefully create, catch a movie and I'm trying to decide if I want to go and see Legion or the new Sex and the City movie so decisions decisions.... Then tonight Daunte and I are going out for dinner....
My hubby goes away tomorrow and of course the weather conditions down South where he is driving forecast alot of rain, now I worry when he drives to work, so I'll just be glad when he gets to his final destination safe and sound and I get that phone call saying he is there.....
I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend, do you have any plans?

Oh my gosh! That turned out great!
You've done a great job on this Maria,!!!
Gorgeous M!!! You are sooo talented!!! Have sent you an email...
Hope you have the phone call from Hubby and that he stays safe...
Love Lou xx
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