Let's begin. To join you must ~
1.) Become a follower ~
Now you know how I feel about this, I only want you to follow me if you desire to but, it's been explained to me that this makes hosting future Sorority events much easier. And easier is good!
2.) Spread the word!
Please post about this. Let the whole world know about our Sorority and let's share our excitement for this wonderful world of blogging. The more the merrier!
3.) Leave me a comment on this post.
Please leave me an Email address and your blog name.
You may send it to me in an Email if you wish. I will automatically add you to our Sorority Sister list.
4.) Grab our button ~ (located on my sidebar)
Each of us will post this button on our sidebar to show we are Sorority Sisters in the newly founded (ahem . . . drumroll please!)
Now everyone knows to be initiated into a Sorority - you must "Rush"
Your rushing preparation will take place between now and
June 25th.
Then on that Friday ~
we will announce our Sisterhood!
To rush you must do the following:
Take this picture . . .
and create something with it.
A banner, a hanging, an ATC,
a piece of jewelry, a tag, a card . . . anything!
Print the picture and place it in a frame -
it doesn't have to be fancy!
Just use your imagination. The possibilities are endless.
You have inspiration all around you.
After all . . . that's what our blogs do - they inspire us.
This can be as simple or as elaborate as you like.
Then take a picture of your creation.
There are no rules.
Well - except one.
You must be in the picture too.
You can always take a self-portrait in a mirror.
Because we all want to see who are
"Sisters" are!
Then post your picture the day of our
Sorority party.
Friday - June 25, 2010
So who's joining me in rushing, and I love the date as it's the day after my birthday......
Now what am I going to create?

Me neither! So we'll learn how to "rush" together! LOL!
I'm glad you could join us! Should be fun!
(Is Debi not the most talented ever? I just ADORE her!)
Off to add you to the list . . . thanks again!
karen ~ Some days are diamonds
Maria, I'm so glad to see that you're joining the sorority! Sounds like fun!
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