Well I have to say it's been a major rollercoaster ride these last few weeks of my pregnancy, as you all know I was going to be induced on Thursday, but had a complication with a bleed of course this had to happen at 1.30am early Thursday morning.....
Rushed off to hospital got there and it was full on every bed was full, hubby had to throw a major fit about having to wait so long, but it did the job and they got another midwife in to check us all out.....
Was at 5cm they couldn't figure out where the blood had come from, so they found me a room and in we went, they wanted to rupture my waters but had to wait until a theatre was free as they kept saying the C word to themselves, needless to say I was petrified I so didn't want to go under the knife......
Well After a change of midwife my doctor came back at 1.30pm and said right were going to get you kickstarted again I have a theatre all lined up for you, half an hour later and the contractions started coming, hubby and I walked the hallways to get these contractions started and I bounced on the birth ball which was a new experience, by 4.35 I was having them close together and I started singing out for the epidural.....Especially as I wanted drugs drugs and more drugs lol...
Midwife told me she would do a check and of course goes hey you can push if you want, I was so not impressed but next contraction I tested it out and yes I was at the point of no return, 2 pushes and hubby happen to look down south and saw he r head, so talk about pandamodium, no one was ready, my midwife was getting my drip set up, hubby is running around the birth suite like a pro handing her gloves, helping her sort out the drip so she can catch the babe as it comes out......
So my gosh talk about drama drama drama, but of course we both fell in love with our baby girl......
So here she is our queen of hearts her name is
Isabella Erin
she weighed in at 7lb15oz
and everyone just adores her.....
Well just a short post my eldest daughter just arrived in from Melbourne haven't seen her in over 2 years so its going be so good having her around, just got to see her to tattoos in person and my gosh they are so big......
Can't believe hubby hasn't said a word about them but then again I told him no arguing or disagreements while she is here they both have the same personality so tend to butt heads lol.....
Rushed off to hospital got there and it was full on every bed was full, hubby had to throw a major fit about having to wait so long, but it did the job and they got another midwife in to check us all out.....
Was at 5cm they couldn't figure out where the blood had come from, so they found me a room and in we went, they wanted to rupture my waters but had to wait until a theatre was free as they kept saying the C word to themselves, needless to say I was petrified I so didn't want to go under the knife......
Well After a change of midwife my doctor came back at 1.30pm and said right were going to get you kickstarted again I have a theatre all lined up for you, half an hour later and the contractions started coming, hubby and I walked the hallways to get these contractions started and I bounced on the birth ball which was a new experience, by 4.35 I was having them close together and I started singing out for the epidural.....Especially as I wanted drugs drugs and more drugs lol...
Midwife told me she would do a check and of course goes hey you can push if you want, I was so not impressed but next contraction I tested it out and yes I was at the point of no return, 2 pushes and hubby happen to look down south and saw he r head, so talk about pandamodium, no one was ready, my midwife was getting my drip set up, hubby is running around the birth suite like a pro handing her gloves, helping her sort out the drip so she can catch the babe as it comes out......
So my gosh talk about drama drama drama, but of course we both fell in love with our baby girl......
So here she is our queen of hearts her name is
Isabella Erin
she weighed in at 7lb15oz
and everyone just adores her.....
Well just a short post my eldest daughter just arrived in from Melbourne haven't seen her in over 2 years so its going be so good having her around, just got to see her to tattoos in person and my gosh they are so big......
Can't believe hubby hasn't said a word about them but then again I told him no arguing or disagreements while she is here they both have the same personality so tend to butt heads lol.....

Congratulations!!!!! She is absolutely adorable. I am glad for you that everything good. Enjoy your little treasure.
Congratulations to you all, she is gorgeous!!
hello doll,
oh my what a beautiful bundle you have... i am soo happy you are well and baby is home and healthy.... ive had the same experience with all three of my babies .. super fast delivery... but your a pro with all those kiddos you have running around...
Glad to see you back and blogging again, and welcome to the world Isabella!
Heh, years ago, one of my brothers suddenly showed up with two tattoos... He had told me, but it was a surprise for our parents... Well, they couldn't say much about it, they're there to stay! XD
Wow, you have all the Zelda-games? That's impressive~
I have the first two for NES, A Link to the Past for SNES, Link's Awakening on Game Boy, the two N64 titles, Minish Cap on GBA, Wind Waker, Twilight Princess and Four Swords Adventures on GameCube (plus the Collectors Edition with four games)... And I guess that's it. ^-^
Take care!
Congrats Maria, this is awesome news.. I am so glad that every thing
sorted it self out..
Love to you and all your family
Congratulations! She is adorable!
Gratulacje, śliczna dziewczynka!!
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