Long time no post but i just never seem to have the time or energy to sit and create and let me tell you its so damn frustrating...
Yesterday i decided to just try and get a layout done for Bella's album it took me four hours to complete man i seriously had to kick my mojo into test drive and just go for it...
Ive just ordered a couple of smash books so i can get them going and make time to document all those little things you take for granted....
Im naking time to smell the roses, savour that caramel machiato and craft....
Ive also got one of those prima foliage kits coming so i cant wait to use that i see lots of vintage trims, vines and flowers around the edges...
Im also thinking of christmas yes the daily journal thinking a smash book maybe the way to go this year....
Well gotta fly little Miss Bella toddles around the house now Man time goes so quick.....
Ciao for now

What a gorgeous page, glad top see that you did some scrapping. I have missed your work xx
What a gorgeous page, glad top see that you did some scrapping. I have missed your work xx
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