Do the chores ever end, decided to do some spring cleaning today, I think I bit off more than I can chew on that score, but have started first port of call was my scrapping room.
I decided to rearrange and sort out my stash, have found out I have more than I thought, gosh knows where I am going to put stuff that I have coming in the next week.
But after a couple of hours with breaks to feed Drew and run around after Max who prefer's the au natural stage of undress at the moment did get it sorted out.
So that's done, tackled my lounge and wiped the dust from my treadmill, I'm hoping to get motivated enough to actually get on it today, by the end of the day I am totally exhausted and men say we have it easy not likely....
Although if my other half could stay home and look after the kids then he would do it tomorrow, he honestly enjoys staying at home and looking after them, too bad I can't get a job making what he does oh too bad for me lol.
I've just ordered a scarlet lime kit so not sure how long that will take to get here from the US, it's loaded with a good variety so can't wait to have a play with that when it finally comes.
This week is going to be kinda of busy with AFL training this afternoon, the schools twilight sports carnivel ,the kids come home at 12 to rest up and have lunch and go back at 3.15 and it finishes up at 6.15. Alicia and Kordell are looking forward to participating in it, Alicia is kind of like sporty spice she is totally active, Daunte will try and pull another personal day as he call's it.
Gosh time has gone by so quickly since I've had Drew he is 7 weeks old today, next week it's his 2 month check up and his first lot of shot's, not looking forward to the needle part of that.
2 Weeks yesterday until my birthday still don't know what I want either alot of scrapping stuff or a cricut machine but am still undecided on which one of those I want.
Well just a short post today as gotta make snacks for the kids.

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