It's a hot and humid day here in the top end of Australia, have been trying to finish off the rest of some challenges from this weekend, and finally managed to get all but one done today, so that's good. What with Drew being so grumpy with his teething, tried everything with him for his teeth, a cool flannel to chew on, teething toys, teething gel nothing really helps much with him, he is a non stop drooler at the moment.
So if anyone has any tips on teething feel free to leave a comment.
Kid wise today hasn't been so bad, got one teen doing school work experience at the armybase, so he came home with a pair of army boots, as soon as he got home went over to his girl (friend's) house next door to show off his boots...
The other has been at a sleepover down the road, and is away for another night, he's having a crab dinner at his friends.
The other three went off to see WildChild this afternoon at the movies, so this afternoon has ben a quiet one, so was able to catch up on doing those layouts above...
Well my madhouse awaits me, my hubby passed his first test with flying colours this morning so he is happy, but is back to hitting the books again till ten, so he is counting down the days until he comes home and can eat proper food...
Well Veronicas are on neighbours and Daunte wants me to watch it with him, so gotta run...

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