Gosh this week has just flown by and I'm so ready for the weekend, haven't scrapped anything in the last couple of days just been catching up with housework and supervising homework, one rebellious teen thinking he dosen't have to do it, so it's been me constantly reminding and pushing him in the right direction.....
Yesterday I was pretty much out all day what with going to see the Tooth fairy and then doing the weekly grocery shop yesterday didn't have time to do much of anything, but seeing as it looks like a rainy day here really going to try and work on something I have a Twiddleybitz easel that I want to decorate up but want to find the perfect photo for it, and I want to start on my ART money project but I am still looking for a good image for mine.....The Let's get Shabby challenge is up and I love the criteria already got an idea for mine now just got to find all the stuff I want to use on it so I can bring it too life....
Here is this month's criteria:
Challenge 9:
Do we ever have a WONDERFUL challenge for you!!
*Create a Shabby garden on your project
*Include a quote from anywhere in the book ‘ Alice in Wonderland'.
As gardens are usually full of a mix a flowers you will need to include a variety of at least five flowers on your creation.
As gardens are usually full of a mix a flowers you will need to include a variety of at least five flowers on your creation.
If you aren't familiar with the book....
Let us introduce you to a well loved story ............
You dont have to do a creation based on this story - be inspired by it in any way you like! And let us know which chapter your quote come from!
You dont have to do a creation based on this story - be inspired by it in any way you like! And let us know which chapter your quote come from!
Arent' the Design team creations just gorgeous, love popping in here and getting my fix of monthly inspiration.
If your looking for something to do tonight there is a cyber crop being held at Forever Always http://www.foreveralways.com.au/forum/viewforum.php?f=93&sid=8d0c6a03ed0238d7df06bbc4927f4f83
So whatever your doing today have a great day.....

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