I'm still trying to find a paper mache cone to decorate so if someone knows where I can buy one from let me know....
I've been trying to find this gorgeous little craft shop that my friend Ann took me too when I first arrived on the Gold Coast and have finally found it it's called Bygone Days up at Mount Tamborine I just fell in love with all the little things she has in stock from the gorgeous hand dyed laces to the shabby little roses so I'm excited now because I can just order online now and get some.... Here is the link http://www.bygonedaysvintagecrafts.com/index.html
Here are a few things that she sell's isn't the display so beautiful, I so loved looking in here I swear I could buy it all, I feel in love with a vintage cake stand when I was there the last time....
Here are a couple of places that I like to go to to become inspired there is always something a little different to learn http://gauchealchemy.wordpress.com/ I really love the Springtime mini book it's just so colourful I'm really not into those colours but I actually like this album....
This is where I go for blog make over's http://cutencool-itkupilli.blogspot.com/
Here is another place to get some gorgeous postcard prints http://www.cpaphilblog.com/ here is this week's postcard image.
If your a lover of Marie Antoinette then click here http://www.ladyreading.net/marieantoinette/index-en.html you can download banners for your blog, but also get alot of information and here is the Offical Marie Antionette site http://www.marie-antoinette-association.com/
Now if I could jump on a plane and go somewhere right now the first port of call would of course be Paris and the destination Versailles this photo is just so exquisite and one of my favourites, walking through the palace you really are just in awe of being surrounded by so much beauty and works of art...

I've seen lots of the paper mache cones at Michaels. You can also easily make your own out of thick cardstock. So happy to visit your blog...you do amazing work!
Hi Maria,
That shop looks DEVINE!! and has such beautiful things.. you are a very naughty girl sharing that!!! LOL! Like I need another excuse to shop!!!
And so many other fantastic links and images too! I have to come back and check them all out!
Absolutely delighted you are my swap partner and I am more nervous creating for you!!!
I sent you an email at about lunch time today but not sure if you got it??? my addie is louise.dahlstrom@bigpond.com if you mail me hello and then i will resend...
my post should be up tonight.. my computer doesn't seem to like editing today... driving me crazy!
Hope you are having a great day!
Think I will be sitting beside you on that trip to Paris / France... LOL!
Love Lou xxx
Hi Again Maria,
Thanks for your email and sooo hope it worked this time when I sent it to you??? Sent reply at 8.06pm...
Let me know if it hasn't worked for some reason..
Lou xx
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