The only thing that is distracting is the kitten who of course is in rowdy mode, the naughty thing keeps jumping into the bookcase, knocking things down and then running around the dining room like a cat possessed, you guessed it he's chasing a bug.....
I have to say it's just nice to enjoy some alone time, now if only I could sit still long to actually meditate it would be ideal, and I could kill two birds with one stone..... Now seeing as it has pretty much rained since last week my daily walks have gone out the window, and yes the treadmill keeps calling out to me, but I'm refusing to hear it's call, I hate walking to nowhere it just dosen't get me motivated at all..... Rain can you please stop please I need to take the dogs for a walk and they won't budge a step if it's rains......
I've slowly begun work on my ART money project was just waiting to get a few more things like masking tape and some calico then I can really start working on it and get it done.....
Going to start my Geisha atc's tomorrow got my images for them today so going to do a packing tape transfer on them and then go from there.....
Pretty places and things to see here are a few of my favourite blogs......
Bloghopping today I spotted this gorgeous blog I could sit here all day and read each post, as it's just filled with inspiration...
Now as i left here I caught sight of this blog and have signed up to do their May Day Petite Basket swap just got accepted today so I'm really excited about filling up my little basket and filling it with vintage goodies.....
Rules for the Swap:
You know there always have to be a few rules in order to play fair. This swap is open to active bloggers only. There has been too many people enjoying sweet things from a swap partner who never got anything back in return. That being said, if anyone has been dooped by someone in the past please let me know who they might be. I won't publicly humiliate them but will be able to keep them out of this swap. Active bloggers only.
You will find a smaller vintage basket or embellish one vintage style and then fill up with vintage items that anyone would love to receive. Does that sound easy? We can share our baskets on May Day if we want and have fun doing it. Sign ups will be open until March 12th and our shipping date will be April 15th so we can all get our baskets by May 1st.
I know there are other swaps going on so we might have a nice little tight group for this one. It should be beautiful. If you would like to participate please email me at
Now if your looking for some old vintage goodies check out this store on Etsy I so love the book kits and the little glass vials, so sweet.....
And you can also get some lovely images from her blog as well like these two up above how beautiful are these......
Now if your abit of a collage artist well you need to click here this will take you to a one stop collage collection of inspiration now for you ladies who love making ATC's then look no further than here now these are little works of art....
Well I should sign off so I can go and get my kids all ready for school have to drag the teens actually out the door to send them on their merry way....

just had a peek at some of the sites... FANTASTIC!!!!!
Oooh! I love your blog! So glad I visited! :)
Hi M,
I did read this yesterday..:) and with checking all your fabulous links forgot to post... so sorry...
But am missing your daily post today...:) But will also say that I cant mange to post daily so why should you?? :)
The Swap looks beautiful.. that little basket is divine!
Hope you are having a great day!
Love Lou xx
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