Well with one swap just posted this is the second swap to go out to my swap partner Lou, a tussie mussie filled with goodies all packaged up looking pretty.....I'm just waiting to send it as I want my friend Ann to have a look at it and tell me what she thinks before I part with it.....
Now just have one more swap to finish which I got some goodies for today and they will all be done........
Then I can start working on my little friendship quotes round robin album that were about to start up at http://thescrapartistwithin.forummotion.com/index.htm there is still time to join in.....
I ventured out to my local scrapping store as they had the prima flowers in but they weren't really any of the ones I wanted why do I have to be so fussy so I'm kind of disappointed I love the vines and the little debutante kind of flowers and they had none, so had to make do with what they had.......But I brought my little box to alter for my petite basket swap its hardly petite but I thought it was a cute box to alter so I hope my swap partner will like it.....
As for me haven't done too much today I made tags for Lou's gifts and made things to hold my goodies in so Lou can't see until she get's it.....
Have tried to tidy my scrap table but now of course it looks like a bombsite their is so much debris from my tag making this morning that I can't quite see my table so another clean up is in order for sure.....As for the rest of the day I think I'm going to sit back and read a book I've found a new author to read who writes abit like Catherine Cookson whom I love her name is Rita Bradshaw and she writes about apart of England that we used to live in which was County Durham so it's making me homesick for the quaint countryside pub's, crisps and club biscuits and my favourite place to shop Next........
Then I will probably start working on my altered box, have a glass of wine or two, and spend time with the family outside kicking the soccer ball around the park, now I'm not a sporty kind of chick but I can kick a ball like Beckham lol....
Right off to read....... Have a fab weekend...
PS the wine drinking will happen after the soccer game.....

Have you changed your blog again? I love the new look!
The parcel looks so pretty!
Your "Gift" looks AMAZING Maria,!!!!
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