Morning Everyone, yes I'm back I have been out of action for the last week trying to get over this nasty flu/cold bug that of course went through the house like a tornado striking everyone in it's path bar one, Alicia hasn't got it.
So have spent the last week on the couch supervising kids and yelling out order's the kids were happy we had a few Create your own nights during the week, other than that have just read and watched DVDs the whole time, watched all of the True Blood Series 2, and went thru 3 seasons of The Tudors, but then I could watch that show over and over again it's just one of my favourites......
But now I finally feel alot better, took the kids to DFO yesterday got Max the sweetest pair of converse so of course he was running around the house in just his boxers and his new shoes last night gotta love him. But I felt like the living dead when I got back home but today woke up feeling normal again so woo hoo I"M ALIVE
Now you gotta know I'm really sick when I don't buy anything for a week lol but last night I really needed a little pick me up so I have signed up for the Glue book Artist class over at Mary's Green Paper blog there is still time to sign up and participate this class looks like it's going to be awesome and it's something that can be applied to your scrapping as well, so many gorgeous images and lots of notes to print out and have on hand to refer to. Here is the link
Your Vintage Glue book is a fun and fast-paced online class. Three lessons post each week for 3 weeks, for a total of 9 lessons. Every paper and image used in class is available to you, so you can get started creating in the very first class.A combination of information and hands-on practice, each class includes a practice collage to reinforce the lesson. You can complete the class with 10 or more finished pages in your own Glue book.
Your Vintage Glue book Online Class… With Materials, Ideas and Instructions for Vintage Collage.
Onto other things got another Honourable mention over at Let's get shabby so that always brightens up my day so congratulations to Lou for winning and to all the other HM's especially Ann who's gorgeous journal was a delight for the eyes Congratulations to you all.
Got a list of things to do:
- Work on Judi's round robin journal
- Clean up my scrapping area I think I should have put that one first
- Take my dogs for a walk
- Pull the weeds in the garden
- Start working on my She album (Carol Wingert Creatologie kit)
- Make another christmas ornament something with feathers in it
- Print out all my images for my glue class lessons
- Find a notebook for the class
- Clean house
- Work on a layout
- Take some photos of the kids

Glad your feeling better sounds like you have had a horrid week....
Can't wait to see your first gluebook pages take care.
Maria it is so good to see you on the mend again and getting creative!!!
Glad you're feeling better. It sounds like you have lots to do. Have a great week!
SOOOO glad that you are back among the living Maria heheheh xxxxx
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