So to cheer myself up hubby dragged me to the shopping centre to pick up a couple new books to read, and do some clothes shopping for Alicia thankfully for us she is really great when it comes to shopping and can pick out her clothes real quick.....
So for my reading pleasure I got the last two books from the Millennium two series "The girl who played with Fire and The Girl who kicked the hornets nest" seeing as the the movie for the first book was really great I'm looking forward to reading these two, have to hide them as my son Chris is itching to read them first.......
Other than that have been working on a little matchbox shrine of Marie been playing with it all afternoon, hubby has been telling me off as I'm supposed to be taking it easy on the couch BORING just had to finish it off as I have had this idea floating in my head all night......
So this is my little project the bottom photo is just a close up, the lighting in my house wasn't great today but it's the best photo I could get of them both...... Hope everyone has had a gorgeous weekend mine is nearly to an end, tomorrow another Monday arrives......

I'm sorry you are sick! I love your project!
LURV the flower arrangement on your 'shrine' Maria!!! "get well quick" xxxx
Sooooo sorry to hear you are not well M... hope you are all better soon!
Gosh your MB Shrine is totallt awesome!!! Love love love it!
In total awe of how you managed that with one little matchbox!!!
Love Lou xx
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