I've started gathering my items to create my tea party hat, picked up a cute little party hat today to alter well I picked up two I liked this one and Alicia wanted the hot pink glitter top hat so maybe I might make two as it will be two for tea that day....
I found some massive flowers okay they were from a hair accessories shop but they just screamed out for me to buy them, along with a white feather boa, sheer star ribbon, pink glass beads, creatures from the garden, a toadstall or two, a lace crocheted doily, of course more flowers and a little mask to alter.....
So that's a start I still need some more tulle and other bits and pieces to make one cute little hat so this is the only show and tell I'm doing until we post on the 26th of June.......
As for other things worked on another little favour basket last night just had to pop out today and buy a couple more headbands for the handles....So this is the finished favor basket holding a little party favor.
Now seeing as Alicia came back from camp yesterday morning I wanted to share a few photos that she took most of her photos have her and her friends so there were only a few of just her in them and this is probably one of the better ones, I'm hoping that the teachers will give the kids a photo cd of the photos they took whilst at camp so she can start creating a scrap book .
These are some of my favourites from her trip I had to kind of narrow it down but the lampost one is my all time favourite such a good photo taken by her... Normally she tends to take photos of herself so it was great that she remembered to document her journey thru Sydney and Canberra......

Oh I can't wait to see how your hats turn out, those flowers are just huge, wonder what your going to work on next?
Your little basket is gorgeous love how you have used the flowers to embellish and decorate it up...
Maria your goodies are so gorgeous! Alicia has taken some great photos! I cant wait to see how the both of you scrap them!
Totally gorgeous goodies you have gathered for your tea party hat M... and love the basket!!
Great that Alicia is home safe and sound and has had a wonderful trip! Great photo's expect she will love scrapping them... just like her mama..:)
Love Lou xx
Such a beautiful hat, and love that basket!
Heh, I've also found some decorated hairclips that I hope to use for scrapping one day. Why just stick to the traditional decorations when other stuff can look just as good or even better? ;)
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