Monday, June 6, 2011

This babe is coming on Thursday

Well after spending five days in hospital last week for blood pressure, my doctors have said that they want to induce me on Thursday, so kinda apprehensive but excited at the same time for the arrival of our little one......
Had to go back in today for bp checks and monitoring of babe, my midwife kept my hospital notes and said we may as well keep them as you'll be back on Thursday, I was told that they will need to have a theatre free just in case of problems, so her saying that has me a bundle of nerves I'm going to be emotional wreck come Thursday....
Poor husband looked after the kids while I was in hospital and he was kind of relieved when I rang to say I was allowed to come home for the weekend, and of course half the family had nasty coughs and colds which he has come down with now, it never rains but pours in our household.......
So keep me in your prayers and I'll post photos when she arrives......
So I've repacked my hospital bag all ready for d-day once again, just have to wash some clothes that arrived from Gymboree today and I'm all set to go......


Juli@Korotaeva said...

Hi Maria,
I will surely pray for you. I can imagine how wxcited you are.The day after which your life will never be the same. More difficult in a way but even more happier! be strong :-)

Robynartdesigns said...

Hi Maria, all the best for you and baby. Hoping all runs smoothly for you and your family. Hugs Robyn xx

HI! I'm Tabitha said...

crossing all fingers and toes for u baby comes right out. hugs

Maree said...

All the best to you and your family..