I've got a layout figured out in my head but it's just not coming together, gosh I hate those kind of ones I just can't start anything until I have tackled this one that is in my mind.....
Maybe some new things will make it all better shopped at My2Angels the other day so look forward to that order arriving so loving those little ATC postcards that are now sold in the store, and I have brought some papers and some gorgeous stemmed flowers which I have had my eye on for ages..... And today I stopped by Qteakits and loved the look of January's Through the viewfinder kit and had to order one of those, it's crammed with some pretty things that you just can't pick up yourself....
So if your looking for something a little different then check out Qteakits http://www.qteakits.blogspot.com/ and My2Angels for scrapping stash http://www.my2angels.net/
So what have I been doing ummmm had my head stuck in books since my last post I've read four more so gotta update my reading list at the top of my blog, yesterday I couldn't put down the book Gypsy by Lesley Pearse, so now I'm 3/4's of the way thru another one of her's called "Till we meet again" I'm so getting more by her for sure....
I'm looking forward to tomorrow get to go to the Kaiser outlet at Brown's Plain and check it out, and catch up with online friends from ART fellow DT Kym and Laraine so it should be a fab day today hopefully by the time I come home I'm filled with lots of ideas to get creating and get that layout that I'm stuck on done...

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