Well it looks like a beautiful day today,although the weather forcast seems to be pridicting thunderstorms during the day, so we'll just have to wait and see what our day hold's a sprinkling of rain or a cloudless sky......
Onto scrapping things I had a go at making a tussie mussie last night I was up till 1am creating this one ,I couldn't find a paper mache cone so have used a cardboard piece under my diecut paper.....
Okay onto other things remember this little bundle underneath, used my lovely photo of Alicia and Drew to do Artastic's latest challenge......
March's inspiration will come from the painting.......
Well its not actually a painting as such.....it's a painted postcard......
Reverie by Alphonso Muscha
Mucha was the creator/originator of ART Nouveau (French for new art style)
Mucha's works frequently featured beautiful healthy young women in flowing vaguely Neoclassical looking robes, often surrounded by lush flowers which sometimes formed haloes behind the women's heads. In contrast with contemporary poster makers he used paler pastel colors.
So for my interpretation I have taken from the colour's of his gorgeous little artwork but also have tied my papers into it as well they have the same kind of feel as the painting, for her headdress I had this photo that just fitted in perfectly and have surrounded one side with flowers.
If your looking for a little inspirational challenge have a go at this one click on the link and it'll take you straight there http://artasticchallengeblog.blogspot.com/
Just a short wee post this morning will update with pretty things later on today, but first things first household duties await......
Enjoy your day everyone......

Maria, your Tussie Mussie is FABULOUS!!!!!! and the LO of the children is definitely a 'framer' it is wonderful!!!
WOW!!Maria your tussie is stunning! Definitely looks like spring! Love the ??Doily or lace at the top too! Can see that you had a great time shopping for Prima yest...:)
Absolutely love your layout! Totally gorgeous!
Love lou xx
Totally stunning
WOW!!! I want to make one of those! It is gorgeous!!! I love the layout of Drew and Alicia!
These projects turned out beautifully. I love your flowered Tussie Mussie!!
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